Saturday, May 14, 2011

It's Lacking Something... Jalapeños?

It is fantastic when people don't show for soccer practice, especially when we need improvement. What is even better is the people responsible for contacting the team did not do so and neither showed today. As you may have guessed it soccer practice did not go as planned and my facetious side rearing it's head. After the short time on the field Tilt, Jacob, and I returned to my home and partook in a little lunch followed by... crepes! Incredibly delicious if I do say so. The same could not be heard from one of the guys. Will not name who, but theirs was not bad. It contained tomatoes, jalapeños, guacamole, cheese, and I thought I heard onions were placed inside. Mine was a fruit dessert crepe and liked it a lot. That and the accompaniment of friends made my day. Now I will attempt to do some late night reading on theology. Might not happen tonight. Will let you know how that turns out. For now good night and and let peace take your side this night.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Dreams and Murder

So I'm working still on this Philosophy project and it is a lot of work, not hard, but a massive amount of repetitious writing. This project is a murder case and our role as detectives is to determine beyond a reasonable who committed the crime, the motive, the opportunity, and the means and knowledge to act it out. Enough with that, no need to even begin a ramble on homework. Let me talk about the up coming sorority formal that so happen to be invited to by my friend Heidi. So the formal's theme is Midnight Summer's Dream and stuck between dressing up as a character from the play or in formal attire. Spoiler Alert: I am leaning towards the latter. So all that is left is to insure our colors match. I'm thankful for the invitation and excited to be with my ADX and AGO friends. I have a feeling the formal is going to be super fun and a fantastic night. However now I need to work on this group project. Sleep and podcasts help me through this time.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Fiery Leperchauns?

So today my philosophy professor threatened to set those on fire, who decide to ditch future classes. This isn't so bad since we are in the throws of the group project. I personally can't stand anyone who leeches off those who contribute while they never contribute to the project. For my group I do not see this happening, but may have to corral the "weak chain" of the group. Had the chance to talk to a friend about the ministry, and at this moment looking to serve in a new ministry until I am called back. Our discussion went rather well with topics ranging from the dangers of rationality without the temperance of good to people in Alabama believing in leprechauns. Fun conversations I seem to hold.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

To Begin with....

So this is my first blog ever and I am pretty excited with it. Today I was still not feeling good. Doing an allergy test the week of a drastic weather change is not a well thought out plan. Oh well. So after some MST3K, history reading, and a forty minute nap, I headed off to my friend's house for his birthday party. His mother made delicious carne asada tacos. Good times tonight, and to show my dedication to keeping up with my studies I read a few primary sources written during the WWII at his house. Hopefully my health will fair better tomorrow.